St. Gabriel The Archangel Church

"Building Bridges Across Cultures, Strengthened by Faith."

"Construyendo puentes entre culturas, fortalecidos por la fe."


Mass Schedule

Reconciliation Schedule

Office Hours

Faith Formation Office

Contact Us

For Emergencies (Last Rite)/Para Emergencias (Santos OlEos) 317-701-1451

Alternative number:
317-297-6450 ext. 0


317-291-7014 ext. 0

Immigration and Refugees

From the Vatican, 10 February 2025

Dear Brothers in the Episcopate,

I am writing today to address a few words to you in these delicate moments that you are living as Pastors of the People of God who walk together in the United States of America. l. The journey from slavery to freedom that the People of Israel traveled, as narrated in the Book of Exodus, invites us to look at the reality of our time, so clearly marked by the phenomenon of migration, as a decisive moment in history to reaffirm not only our faith in a God who is always close, incarnate, migrant and refugee, but also the infinite and transcendent dignity of every human person.1 …..

Upcoming events / Eventos por Venir

  • Calendar for March

    Mar. 22nd- Faith Formation Retreat (OCIA)

    8:00am- Retiro de Formación de Fe & 1 st Scrutiny.

    Lugar: Cafeteria

    Mar. 25th- Annunciation of the Lord

    6:30pm- Mass (Bil)

    Misa de la Anunciación del Señor

    Mar. 29th- Parish Lenten Adults Retreat

    8:00am- Retiro de Cuaresma para adultos

    Place: Cafeteria, Church

  • Parish Lenten Adults Retreat

    Retiro de Cuaresma para Adultos

    Mar. 29th @ 9:00am-3:00pm

    Place: Cafeteria, Church

    You can register in the parish office or at the desk after Mass. Ya se pueden registrar llamando durante los horarios de oficina o despues de Misa en el esccritorio.

  • Youth/Children Lenten retreat

    Retiro de Cuaresma para Jóvenes/ Niños

    April 5, 2025 @ 9:00am

    Place: Cafeteria/Church /Classroom

  • Egg Hunt / Búsqueda de Huevos

    The youth group will be sponsoring the egg hunt.

    El grupo de Jovenes estará guiando la búsqueda de huevos.

    Date: April 12,2025

    Time:10:00 am

    Place: Cafeteria-Outside the Church.

  • For Children Receiving Communion at Mass / Recibir la Comunion para Niños en Misa

    Parent should accompany their children through the Communion line. If you are not receiving Communion, fold your arms and receive a blessing. Parents should always supervise their children. We appreciate your help and understanding. Los padres deben acompañar a sus hijos en la fila para recibir la Comunión. Si no va a recibir la comunión, cruce los brazos y reciba la bendición. Los padres siempre deben supervisar a sus hijos. Agradecemos su ayuda y comprensión.

  • CRS Rice Bowl

    During the 40 days of Lent, let us journey together through CRS Rice Bowl to meet people in Nigeria, Guatemala and Bangladesh who are rising above the challenges of hunger and malnutrition. Pick up your rice bowl located around the church doors or vestibule starting Ash Wednesday.

    CRS Plato de Arroz Durante los 40 días de Cuaresma, con Plato de Arroz de CRS conoceremos personas en Nigeria, Guatemala y Bangladesh que están superando los desafíos del hambre y la desnutrición. Recoge tu cajita de Plato de Arroz alrededor de las puertas ovestíbulo comenzando el Miércoles de Cenizas.

  • Wish List/Volunteers

    We need volunteers who can help us clean the church, the kitchen, etc. every Monday from 9am to 12pm.

    Necesitamos de voluntarios que nos puedan ayudar a limpiar la iglesia, la cosina, etc. Todos los lunes de 9am a 12pm. ———————————————

    We need volunteers who can help us make phone calls at the front office whenever you can, Monday through Thursday from 10am to 3pm.

    Necesitamos Voluntarios que puedan realizar llamadas telefonicas en la oficina, los dias que puedan de lunes a jueves entreel horario de 10am a 3pm.


    We now have different Religious Items for sale, please stop by the gathering space after Masses on Sunday or come to our Parish Office during office hours.


    Ahora temenos diferentes nuevos artículos religiosos de venta y puede verlos en el espacio de encuentro después de las misas o visítenos en la Oficina Parroquial durante horarios de oficina.

  • Art and Environment meeting

    Those who would like to volunteer to help decorate the church for different liturgies please attend:

    Wednesday, 09 April, 2025 7:00pm Joey Office.

    Reunión de Arte y Medio Ambiente: Aquellos que quieran ofrecerse como voluntarios para ayudar a decorar la iglesia para diferentes actividades liturgias, por favor asistir: Miercoles, 09 de Abril, 2025 a las 7:00pm en la Oficina de Joey Garcia.

  • Reporting Abuse

    If you are a victim of sexual misconduct by a person ministering on behalf of the Church, or if you know of anyone who has been a victim of such misconduct, please contact the archdiocese's victims' assistance coordinator by phone at 317-236-1548 or by email at You may also make a confidential report through EthicsPoint at or by calling 888-393-6810.


    Si usted es víctima de una conducta sexual inapropiadapor parte de una persona que esta en un ministerio en nombre de la Iglesia, o si conoce a alguien que haya sido víctima de dicha mala conducta, comuníquese con el coordinador de asistencia a víctimas de la arquidiócesis porteléfono al 317-236-1548 o por correo electrónico a al También puede hacer una denuncia confidencial a través de Ethics Point llamando al 888393-6810 en

  • FESTIVAL 2025

    Our Festival will take place Friday, May 30 and Saturday, May 31, 2025. Please put these dates on your calendar. We anticipate another large community turnout for this event. The past three years have seen huge crowds, and we will need help from all parishioners to make this a success.

    This list is for the upcoming meetings to organize our Festival:  

    Tuesday, Apr. 8     Tuesday, Apr. 29  Tuesday, May 13, Tuesday, May 27 – Volunteer Meeting – must attend   Tuesday, June 17 – Wrap-up meeting

     7:00 pm in Rm 3.

    The committee is in the need of a few key positions:

    • Carnival Ride Ticket Sales Organizer,

    • Community Liaison,

    • Beverage Organizer,

    • Ministries Display Coordinator, Paper products and other materials Organizer,

    • Assistant Grounds Chair, and Co-Chair for Organizing.

    Contact Mark Lahr at 317-408-2982.


  • Vocation Traveling Crucifix

    If you would like to pray for the vocations and take the traveling crucifix home please sign up at the gathering space to select the date and mass. Thank you.


    Si le gustaría rezar por la vocaciones y llevarse el crucifijo viajero, favor de apuntarse en las listas que estan en el espacio de encuentro para selecionar la fecha y la misa en la que le gustaría llevarselo. Gracias.

  • Office Records

    We are still updating our records. If you have moved during the last year, please notify us of your new address. If you receive printed envelopes monthly in the mail, please use those envelopes and not the green envelopes from the Church. The printed envelopes have all the information we need to ensure that you receive credit for your donations. Thank you.

    Todavía estamos actualizando nuestros registros. Si se ha mudado durante el último año, por favor notifíquenos su nueva dirección. Si recibe sobres impresos mensualmente por correo, utilice esos sobres y no los sobres verdes de la Iglesia. Los sobres impresos tienen toda la invormación que necesitamos para garantizar que reciba crédito por sus donaciones. Gracias.

  • Pre-printed envelopes

    Registered Parishioners receive a registration # when we enter their information into our system. This is also used as your envelope #.

    • You will not receive the preprinted envelopes unless you have been making contributions regularly. It can take 2 mailings (2 months) before you begin receiving the envelopes (or changes in name/address will be seen)

    • If you want to receive envelopes by mail, you must register and use the 1st packet we give you. Forms are by the church doors, gathering space or Parish Office.

    • If you are receiving envelopes in the mail, but you want to stop receiving them, let the office know.

    To remain “Active” in our system it is important to use envelopes regularly. You can use the green/white envelopes found in the racks in church/lobby areas. Thank you!


    The majority of the blue recycle containers have arrived. They will be distributed to the classrooms and offices. We have more on the way and the larger containers for the cafeteria are in transit.

    The yellow & green container will be removed at the end of December. Until then we can continue to put ONLY PAPER in that container. The blue, single stream, or mixed, recycle container can be used for ALL RECYCLE materials.

    We must depend upon YOU, our parishioners, to do your part in this recycling effort. Let’s all become more conscious of recycling and remind each other.

    -Recycle bottles, cans, paper and cardboard

    -Keep food and liquid OUT OF recycling

    -No loose plastic bags or colored trash bags

    Blue containers with the recycle logo are for recycle only. NO TRASH, FOOD or LIQUIDS.

    Recyclable materials:

    -Empty glass or plastic bottles or aluminum cans

    -Clean plastic, glass or food cans – contain no liquid or food

    -Paper and cardboard – clean

    In the following weeks, we will keep you updated on our progress in our recycling efforts. We’ll also go into more detail what items and materials are recyclable. Thanks, Bernadette Allison.


We need your help to keep our parish safe especially our children. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times including when they go to the restroom. Please do not allow your children to run around the church or by the altar, during the Mass. If your child is crying or disruptive, please take them to the vestibule so as not to disturb the Mass. You can see and hear the Mass on the monitor there. We are asking for cooperation in this matter so that we can keep everyone safe and prevent accidents. It is recommended when children go to communion, let them be accompany by their parents. Thank you. Charles Braganza Safety Committee Chair.


Necesitamos su ayuda para mantener segura a nuestra parroquia, especialmente a nuestros niños. Los niños deben estar acompañados por un adulto en todo momento, incluso cuando vayan al baño. No permita que sus hijos corran alrededor de la iglesia o junto al altar durante la Misa. Si su hijo está llorando o interrumpe, llévelos al vestíbulo para no interrumpir la Misa. Puede ver y escuchar la Misa en el monitor allí. Estamos pidiendo cooperación en este asunto para que podamos mantener a todos seguros y prevenir accidentes. Se recomienda que cuando los niños vayan a comulgar, vayan acompañados de sus padres. Gracias. Charles Braganza Presidente del Comité de Seguridad.